Missing This Will Guarantee No Clients – Part 2
Here are the main things you need in order to develop a good Marketing Plan: Have a Marketing Goal -- distinguish exactly what your marketing needs to achieve. What is its objective - i.e. how [...]
Missing This Will Guarantee No Clients – Part 1
Every week I get calls from frustrated massage therapists, naturopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors, etc. Their marketing isn't helping them generate the steady stream of new clients they want. It's just not bringing in the revenue that [...]
This Can Double Your Business In 10 Weeks
Client referrals are the #1 way to build your clientele and fill it full of your ideal clients -- you know, the kind who are happy to pay your full fee and who really [...]
Why This Can Be So Confronting
Do you have a detailed road map for creating your business growth yet? Is it clear, concrete and measurable? Being this specific can be scary for many small business owners in the holistic health and fitness [...]
Why Written Goals?
Writing down your goals is an important KEY to growing your business. If they aren’t written down, our goals get lost and fuzzy in our head. Make sure that your goals are clear. Let's take a [...]
The Red Flag Most Holistic Health Professionals Miss
Use a weekly calendar schedule for everything -- yes everything -- including breaks, answering emails, returning phone calls, marketing actions and important administrative functions. You may feel this is unnecessary or feel restricted or feel [...]