Changing Just This One Thing Will Dramatically Alter Your Results
If I could have you change just 1 thing about what you do with your business, it would be the following. This 1 thing would make a HUGE difference for you. It may seem to [...]
This Under-used Method is the 2nd Best Way To Gain New Clients
Direct referrals from medical physicians and other specialty health professionals is a profoundly powerful source for expanding your clientele. This is true if you are a massage therapist or body worker, yoga instructor, naturopathic [...]
This Can Tell You Where Your Best Clients Will Come From
"You cannot grow what you do not measure." This is one of those tried-and-true principles. If you do not measure your marketing efforts, how in the world do you know if they are being [...]
How To Overcome The Status Quo and Gain New Habits
Question: Scheduling my work and day has been the most challenging part of running my business. I assumed that once I set a schedule in place, like you teach, I could count on it to [...]
Tune Yourself For Success – Getting Unstuck
A business owner needs to spend time thinking about his or her business. What are the next steps to take? What decisions need to be made? What's the most effective way to do something? This [...]
BENEFITS – Why Your Clients Don’t Care About Anything Else
Want a peek inside your customers head? Here's what they are thinking: How will my life, my day, my career, my finances, my relationships, my moment be better for me? Learn how to translate [...]