Do you ever contact your past customers, people who are no longer in your schedule? Why not?

Your past customers are an excellent way to increase your current business. For many business owners, contacting their past customers strikes the fear of God into them. The business owner assumes that if their past customers liked them, they would have contacted them by now. So owner doesn’t make the calls. That’s leaving out fully 25 percent of the most powerful method for building your business.

The cool thing about a past client is that they already trust you and are familiar with you. Did you know that these are the top two reasons why people buy anything from anybody. 

Plus it costs on an average 600 percent less to re-activate a past client vs. the cost to get a new client.


Pledge to consistently check in with your past customers and see how they are doing.

You’ll be surprised at the results you’ll get.

We hope you’ve enjoyed this “Massage Business Minute” tip of the week.