Write a Press Release that Creates a Media Frenzy!
There’s nothing like the thrill of a media frenzy, with top outlets clamoring to be the first to feature your work.
Writing a compelling press release is an essential step in garnering that level of media attention, and it involves so much more than just supplying the whats, whens, and wheres of an upcoming event or product release.
It requires mastering a psychological game of representation, in particular, creating a human interest story and imbuing it with a sense of urgency.
In this upcoming live video conference on Thursday, June 15, Loolwa Khazzoom, a PR wizard, will help you work her magic as she teaches you how to do what she does so that you can save thousands of dollars creating the kinds of press releases that actually get noticed.
$97 is the cost of this training conference — a small fraction of the cost of hiring her privately to do this same work for you. In this DIY course, you will learn the skills that not only help you optimally present your work today, but that help you knock out killer press releases for ever more.
She has placed her clients in the following top media outlets: ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX television stations, from local events to Doctor OZ, Forbes, CNN, The Huffington Post.
Write a Press Release that Creates a Media Frenzy is happening live by Zoom video conference on
Thursday June 15 at 5 pm Pacific time/8 pm Eastern time.
Register using the button below.
Once registered you will receive all the directions for attending this course.
Don’t Believe The Hype
Read this story about an experience Loolwa recently had which saved her client months of heartache and thousands of hours down the drain.
A client was considering moving forward with a self-publishing company that aligns itself with a major publishing company in this client’s field. The self-publishing company presented itself as doing all the footwork of catapulting a writer to the status of bestselling author – among other things, contacting hundreds of media outlets on the writer’s behalf.
Bogus Media Outreach
For the novice author, that kind of outreach sounds as if it is worth the thousands of dollars this self-publishing company charged. As a public relations manager, however, I knew it was a bunch of hype. When I called the company, I asked some very pointed questions, such as these:
– Which media outlets will you pitch, and on what basis will you choose those particular outlets?
– Will you interview my client prior to pitching those outlets, to ensure that you are contacting the media with my client’s target audience?
– Will you tailor your pitches according to the tone and content of each media outlet?
– Will you just send out a press release by email? If so, will it go to specific editors and producers, or will it go to generic email addresses for press releases?
– Will you call editors and producers, in addition to emailing them – and if you will call, how many editors and producers will you contact at each outlet?
– How many times will you follow up on your pitches?
The more questions I asked, the more the shiny promises unraveled. This company planned to blast out a generic press release to generic contacts at generic media outlets (including many obscure publications) with no phone calls and no follow-up. In other words, the media outreach was a lot of hot air.
Effective Media Outreach
Effective media outreach involves numerous steps:
– Identifying a human interest angle and time/news hook that will compel media to cover a story
– Writing a concise and exciting press release with all the information editors/producers need
– Targeting the media outlets that are the best match for the story
– Knowing which editors/producers to pitch at each outlet
– Tailoring a pitch to a given media genre and outlet – nailing the content and tone
– Calling and emailing editors/producers several times, to make the press release stand out from the avalanche of other press releases
Find out more at the upcoming live video conference, “Write a Press Release that Creates a Media Frenzy,” on Thursday June 15 at 5 pm PT/8 pm ET.
If you’d like even more info on this training course, give Loolwa a hollar at 916.546.8238 or contact her at info@loolwa.com