Business Success Stories
We are thrilled to feature some of our natural medicine and health coaching business owners and their companies. These business owners have taken on the responsibility of training themselves, implementing effective operational systems, reaching and maintaining profitability and are making a profound difference in their communities.
Elizabeth BatterbeeFlourish Homeopathy in Albuquerque, New Mexico
“Thank you for handing me my business back. Thanks to you I am no longer burned out, but have reconnected with my love of my work, and am even having more fun with the business part!”
Michael Skardasis, MD and Erin SkardasisThe Skardasis Group, Health Coaching in Marietta, Georgia
“Everything you’re coaching us on is gold. Thank you!”
Loolwa KhazzoomPublic Relations Manager for Wellness Practitioners in Sacramento, California
“…I just wanted to share that I am so deeply moved by your teachings. You are facilitating a paradigm shift that encourages people to imbue our daily existence with sacredness, in the very places that are taught to be crass and banal. What a blessing to work with you. I am learning so much, both from taking on the role of your mouthpiece, and from receiving formal business coaching from you. Working right now on the topic of about sales, I am reminded of the Jewish teaching to bring sacredness into every little thing in our lives – what we eat, how we dress, how we talk, how we do business, how we view nature, everything. To see Gd/dess in every single moment, and to see the opportunity for holiness in every interaction. Thank you. You are wonderful.”
Raquel VasalloInfinite Oxygen, Health Coach in New York, New York
“First of all I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You saw in me what I am really meant to be doing and it feels so wonderful to be manifesting this new path in my life. You were the first person to tell me I was a health coach and you believed in me.”