e-Learning for Holistic Health and Mind-Body Business
Gain entrepreneurial skills at a price you can afford.
Critical business training on your schedule & at your pace. From Business Intensive Boot Camps to Mini eLearning programs and eWorkbooks.

Your BEST Year – Goal Setting & Strategic Planning
Any expert you talk to in any field, anywhere on the planet, will tell you that HAVING A PLAN is the most important part of consistent and sustained success.
Without a plan it will take you longer– immensely longer. It will be harder — enormously harder. It will end up costing you more — vastly more. A good plan creates Clarity. Clarity when accompanied by right action, moves mountains.
Simple yet powerful annual business planning technology all of our clients use. If you’re like me, you got into business because you wanted to have a feel-good experience. You wanted to matter, you wanted to make a difference, and you wanted to have a career that would also reward you appropriately. The easiest way to get that is by having a crystal clear action plan for the year. Without clarity — knowing what you want and the plan to have it or experience it — you won’t get very far. Here are some important details…

“My schedule has blown up with business since the first session!!!”. Julie Ackerman, PA
“Thank you so much for all the information that you shared in the Intake Mastery course. It has already made a huge difference in my massage business. I can’t believe I even had a business without knowing this stuff. “ – Lori Colombo, CA
aka Heart Centered Sales for Non-Sales People
Does the word “sales” make you want run the other way? Does the mere thought of it have you cringing inside?
Fact: Most holistic practitioners and health or fitness professionals don’t like sales.
Reality: If you don’t have a “sales” system for your business, you will constantly be struggling for new clients. This 5-session training will have you converting far more first time clients into thrilled repeat clients that send you tons of quality referrals. You will gain a whole new perspective on sales and realize you don’t have to be sales-ee to gain more clientele.
Learn how to conduct a masterful client intake/enrollment session and keep your clients booked so that you can enjoy a full schedule and retain 90% of your clients. More than just mastering your intake visit to cause more rebooking clients, you will learn and implement the secrets to long-term client retention. [ [More details…]

A 6-series boot camp for holistic health & fitness entrepreneurs
(formerly Marketing 101 and Powerful Word of Mouth Marketing)
A 6-session webinar series on the ultimate way to get new clients. You will learn and gain mastery on the most proven and effective actions and processes for having a steady flow of new clients — the exact type of clients you want — the ones who are willing to pay your full price. This is not difficult. It takes very little if any money to do and is NOT a time suck. You simply need to understand what marketing is in the first place and know the proper way to do it and be willing to invest in your own learning to gain this mastery – IF you want a STEADY FLOW OF NEW CLIENTS that is. [More details + video…]

Getting STUCK sucks. You KNOW you should be doing better, but nothing you try seems to work or last.
Consider that your own mind and mental patterns are getting in the way and if you could simply use that same mind to re-pattern itself, you would get UNSTUCK and things would start working for you…
If you want to cause an extraordinary breakthrough for yourself and your business, if you have always found it hard to change your habits and you growth seems like it takes forever, you will need to master the Mental Game of business — not just the physical game. In this 7-part series, you will come away with practiced tools that enable you to win at the Mental Game. You possess, right now, the most powerful tool to have and be anything you want. But most people have no idea how to use it consistently to become successful and stay successful. Find out more about how this powerful training will catapult you into a completely different level of success for yourself and your business. [More details…]